Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles

Want to write a how-to article but can't come up with a topic?

Start by naming the three biggest problems your customers or clients face. You've just come up with three ideas for three different articles. Be sure the topics tie into a service you provide, a product you sell, or a cause or issue you want to promote.

Once you've chosen a topic, it's time to select a title. Here's a list of possibilities. Simply fill in the blank, depending on what you've decided to write about.

A Part-Timer's Tactics for a Full-Timer's ______________

A Quiz: Test Your ______________ Smarts

Cash in on _______________ Trends

Chasing the Right ______________

Cool Tools for Today's ______________

Common Errors That Kill ______________

Discover the 7 Essential Elements That Guarantee ______________

Finding the ______________That is Uniquely You

Good News for ______________

How to Bounce Back from ______________

How to Get Other People to ______________

How to Handle ______________

How to Make ______________ Work for You

How to Make Your ______________ Dreams Come True

How to Turn ______________ into ______________

Mastering the Art of ______________

No More ______________

Part-Time ______________, Full-Time Success

Questions and Answers About ______________

Straight Talk from a ______________

The Great _____________ Dilemma

The Most Beginner-Friendly ______________

The Last Word on ______________

The Amazing Solution for ______________

The Best and Worst Ideas for ______________

The Complete Guide to ______________

The Worst Mistakes You Can Make When ______________

Top 10 ______________ Do's and Don'ts

What's HOT and NOT in ______________

When Not to ______________

Your Must-Know Guide to ______________

_________________ with Pizzazz!

_________________and Grow Rich

______________ on the Cheap

5 Ways to Get More from Your ______________

5 No-Fail Strategies for ______________

6 Secrets to Successful ______________

7 Ways to Keep Your ______________ Dreams Alive

7 Ways to Avoid the Most Deadly ______________ Mistakes

8 Ways to Avoid the Worst ______________ Mistakes

9 Formulas for Fantastic ______________

10 User-Friendly Facts for ______________

10 Tips to Jump-Start Your ______________

11 Questions You Must Ask When You're ______________

12 Tactics to Open Up ______________

13 Tips That Will Make a _______________ Smile

10 Time-Tested Tips for Becoming a ______________

25 Quick ______________ Tips to Use Now

26 Holiday Gifts for ______________

Nos, start writing! Somewhere out there, there's an editor just waiting for your story.

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

Under The Leaded Sky in Serbia

When one population in one century survived five wars, two wars in just ten years, enforcment by self a question it`s the war destiny of Serbian people or his dare. With what a Serbian people has merit this - with his frankness, levity, with collective and national damnation or just with that fact which they are living in the territories which from its geopolitical consideration always were interesting orbit of much other populations. Maybe all this is a colective spread why is Serbian people with centuries had carry on contest for survival in Balkan, together attest its claim and necessity for protection of a national identity and his roots. In that permanent war people had obtained and dissipates but often had pass a golgote, and invigorated in every countenance .

His "armature" must be stronger than steel to resist not just external compressions but and inner pressures which sometime were of nourish intensity from the right once, with constant undergo political and economic exhaustions. Besides this, this people had remain immaculate in his hart and sanity, which have had help them to understand against of often irrationality and incriminations from other populations, must hang out in its defeat to show to the same universe their real face and improve genuineness of his intention that they wish to survive and live same like normal world without other aspirations. Then even thought often had not received a desirable indorse from the world and remained a lonesome in their bother and misfortune, have not lost confidence in that same world with belief that this world will keep them under its wing and incorporate in integrative process with other countries and populations. , brought to the brink of the desperation and a general debasement, Serbian population in last time has much more felled a slowness arrange with other populations, with a fear of a absolute fade and footstep from them. That it was a plenty superior calmness and waste its patience. A high disappointment it must in one moment rise and reached its culmination . And that was happen when people had not proceed suffer and hopeless .It had burst from them a certain boisterously and freak energy which revolt had converted in expansive collision against all of that what had choked and made filthy (muddy) for this all last years. In Serbia was happen people .When in this territories its happen people , that means a big cession and profound (intensive) reverse, in which were to many await not just ten years but much more. Certainly ready over the night one people rightly had obtained all attributes of valiant (heroic) nation, because it had afford energy to overturn all barricades and limitations shortly which have had been in systematic way pushed for many years. Maybe that was only way to this people to have eligibility and get its destiny in their hands, and after this happenings world accepted them and easy keep them in " their companion", whom is with all attributes ever had belong. A time will show, which is a essential equalize and wish of heroine of this book to Serbia being a prosper country in which will be return not just departed Serbian's around the world, but and all other people who can find here a lift for a beautiful and comfortable life.

(Preview taken from book " UNDER THE LEADED SKY IN SERBIA", by dr Mirjana Radovic ( it is traslated from Serbian to English)

Book should not be accepted like a political handwork, but just like one record of an hardly time through which had pass one nation requiring a different shapes for self protection and salvation. Author of this book had taken like a model from that point, one family from Belgrade in which issue had try to show up their adaptive skills and struggle for survival in a frenzy social escalation of community and generally political occurrences.

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers

The biggest mistake authors make when trying to get free publicity is pitching either themselves or their books.

Don't pitch authors! Pitch issues. Don't pitch books! Pitch entire shows.

Example: If you wrote a book about how children of divorced parents suffer long-term effects well into adulthood, don't try to entice TV producers with the book. Entice them with an entire show around the topic of "Children of divorced parents: Do they ever recover?" Then suggest two or three other guests who tie into your topic and could be interviewed, preferably someone who is on the other side of the issue. If you can do that, you've just given producers an idea for an entire show, and they're more likely to bite because you've done their work for them.

Here are 6 more book publicity tips:

--Be sure you have a good quality professional photo of yourself. I'm amazed at the number of authors I write stories about who don't have photos I can use.

--Use a "tip sheet" in your media kit that ties into your topic. Example: You write a book about how to discipline children. Your tip sheet might be something like "9 Tips for Calming Your Child's Temper Tantrum." Each tip should be no longer than one or two short sentences. The media love these tips because they can reprint them as a sidebar to a longer story. See Special Report #16: How to Write Tip Sheets That Catch the Media's Attention

--If you have a website, place the author's photo and updated contact information at the site. Sometimes when trying to contact an author, I go to their website and then search in desperation for contact info.

--Don't be afraid of controversy when it comes to book promotion. The more controversial you are willing to be, the greater your chances of coverage by the media, particularly broadcast. Radio shows in particular don't want only light. They want heat.

--The author should write an opinion column taking a strong stand on one side of a controversial issue that ties into the topic of the book. Then target the column to the publication that is read by people who you want to buy your book.

--If you want to get into a particular publication, call the advertising department and ask for a copy of their free Editorial Calendar. This is a listing of all special sections and topics planned for the year. Review the calendar and find a specific issue where your topic would be a good fit. Then call the publication, ask for the name of the person who edits that section, and write or e-mail them with your story idea. Do this several months before the publication is printed.

Most importantly, unless you are contacting the book reviewer, most media people don't care what's between the covers of your book. They DO care about what's inside your head, your expertise, and how you can help them. Remember that, and you're well on your way to lots of free publicity.

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers

The biggest mistake authors make when trying to get free publicity is pitching either themselves or their books.

Don't pitch authors! Pitch issues. Don't pitch books! Pitch entire shows.

Example: If you wrote a book about how children of divorced parents suffer long-term effects well into adulthood, don't try to entice TV producers with the book. Entice them with an entire show around the topic of "Children of divorced parents: Do they ever recover?" Then suggest two or three other guests who tie into your topic and could be interviewed, preferably someone who is on the other side of the issue. If you can do that, you've just given producers an idea for an entire show, and they're more likely to bite because you've done their work for them.

Here are 6 more book publicity tips:

--Be sure you have a good quality professional photo of yourself. I'm amazed at the number of authors I write stories about who don't have photos I can use.

--Use a "tip sheet" in your media kit that ties into your topic. Example: You write a book about how to discipline children. Your tip sheet might be something like "9 Tips for Calming Your Child's Temper Tantrum." Each tip should be no longer than one or two short sentences. The media love these tips because they can reprint them as a sidebar to a longer story. See Special Report #16: How to Write Tip Sheets That Catch the Media's Attention

--If you have a website, place the author's photo and updated contact information at the site. Sometimes when trying to contact an author, I go to their website and then search in desperation for contact info.

--Don't be afraid of controversy when it comes to book promotion. The more controversial you are willing to be, the greater your chances of coverage by the media, particularly broadcast. Radio shows in particular don't want only light. They want heat.

--The author should write an opinion column taking a strong stand on one side of a controversial issue that ties into the topic of the book. Then target the column to the publication that is read by people who you want to buy your book.

--If you want to get into a particular publication, call the advertising department and ask for a copy of their free Editorial Calendar. This is a listing of all special sections and topics planned for the year. Review the calendar and find a specific issue where your topic would be a good fit. Then call the publication, ask for the name of the person who edits that section, and write or e-mail them with your story idea. Do this several months before the publication is printed.

Most importantly, unless you are contacting the book reviewer, most media people don't care what's between the covers of your book. They DO care about what's inside your head, your expertise, and how you can help them. Remember that, and you're well on your way to lots of free publicity.

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

Basics to Building Surveyors

If you consider the fact that practically everything that is constructed on private land requires a building permit of some sort, then it is important to think about the role of the building surveyor and the influence they have throughout a particular renovating or building process.

Builder inspectors and surveyors are required to accept responsibility for making certain a renovation or new build is fit of its intended purpose, which means it should be energy-efficient, safe, and entirely livable. Surveyors in the course of their day-to-day duties need to interact with professionals such as the architects, engineers, and builders to help ensure a commercial or domestic property is built to the right standards to comply with the local building policies laid down by the authorities. They are also able to put forward advice on building legislation which might well affect the design or construction of the building.

Building surveyors aim to work on behalf of both the community and property owner and follow through each step of the construction process to ensure a property is build and finished according to the local legislation. Once the building plans are found to be acceptable, and fully comply to the authority's wishes, a permit to start the build are then issued.

With the work on a construction project fully underway, the building surveyor often remains involved in each step of the build, and may conduct future inspections or might call on the services of a building inspector to do these on-going reports on their behalf. If the inspections are found to be acceptable, a surveyor can then give their final stamp of approval. Stages of the build process that a surveyor might get involved include at the time of placing of the footings, after erecting the frame-work and a last inspection prior to a property given the okay for occupancy.

If throughout the inspection period the surveyor finds a need to fail a particular stage of the construction process, he than has the right to take the necessary enforcement action to guarantee the right remedial work is taken. This corrective work is often rectified as soon as possible to ensure the construction process continues as required and also helps to minimize additional costs and slowing the build.

The building surveyor's primary role relates mostly to the safety of a property and its structural integrity, so it is mostly the duty of the architect and builder to determining the overall quality of other matters, such workmanship, materials used and final finish.

Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

8 Tips To Write Winning Articles

For some writers, the craft of writing comes naturally and words flow effortlessly upon the page. Other writers have learned the craft of writing through Internet or college course work and workshops. One thing both groups have in common is a struggle with writer's block.

Those who struggle may fear article writing for a number of reasons. By following a few article marketing strategy tips and shortcuts, writing can become easier. It is important to get out there and write in order for your name, as a writer, to get noticed. The following tips will guide you to write excellent articles that lead to excellent promotion for your business.

1. Choose a topic that you have interest in, that you believe others will be interested in as well. This will ensure that a personal voice is brought to the topic. Give the article an original title and enrich it with keywords, in order for it to be picked up by search engines. Take out the junk words that just take up room. These are words like 'the', 'a', and 'with'. Keep the title short, with a minimum of three words and a maximum of twelve.

2. Write simply. The average reader has a sixth grade reading level. There is no need to write for a well educated crowd, unless that is your target demographic. Think about who you are writing for and write in terms they will understand. This makes for a good article marketing strategy.

3. Use bullet points. For articles that are short on content, use bullet points, which also make the article easier to read. By writing a bullet point you can stretch content out by taking a sentence or two to elaborate about the point. This elaboration can include facts or personal opinions and remembrances.

4. Try a checklist. This is a great way to organize your thoughts. Write down the title of the article and a couple of points you would like to hit in the article. Keep it in your pocket, and add to it as you think of topics to cover in your article. A good article marketing strategy is to keep your thoughts in order. This checklist does just that.

5. Write something. If you are still stuck, just write something, anything. It can be about fluffy bunnies, or a grocery list. Better yet, work those bunnies into your topic. This will help clear your mind of non-work topics and stimulate the creative that is in lock-down. Just remember to take the bunnies out of the article before submitting. Oftentimes when you are writing them out, you think of genuine content to replace them with.

6. Be entertaining. To write dry content is a bad article marketing strategy that will kill a website. Readers want fun, insightful material that tells them something they don't already know.

7. Fill out the Author Bio or Resource Box. This is the calling card portion of your website, so use it. Include a link to your website so that readers can go to the source for products or more information about the article content.

8. Don't forget the keywords. Good article marketing strategy includes a keyword rich article. If readers can't find your article with a search engine, then they can't read the content and follow the link to your website. Knowing keyword targets allows you to enrich the text with keys that are more likely to be searched. The first couple of article will be the hardest, but once they are done, you will find a work-flow that works for you. This work-flow will enable you to think faster, and get articles out quicker. Article marketing strategy is the best free method of promoting your writing and your website. By linking to article directories and giving reliable content, you will eventually be considered an expert in your field. This in turn gets more hits for your website and more sales of the products you offer.

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Thanks for reading

Christine Gilmartin

2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles

Marble tiles make amazingly beautiful floors. They are soft stones belonging to the family of limestone. This stone is a delicate stone and can wear off easily if proper care is not taken. Let us look at some simple steps, which help in retaining the shine of marble tiles.

1. Simple everyday cleaning- Less is always more when it comes to quick cleaning and touch-up of marble. Soft cloth, preferably one with microfibers, is good for cleaning. Warm, distilled water is recommended to clean marble countertops. Do not air-dry the marble surfaces, as they have a tendency to leave water spots. Do dust-mopping on a daily basis to retain the shine on marble tiles.

2. Bring out the big guns for special occasions - Marble is a delicate stone, so do not go overboard in cleaning it. If you want to do some special and deep cleaning for special occasions, then use neutral-pH soap. Acetone for dark marble and hydrogen peroxide for light marble is good when mixed with water. Clear ammonia is also good when used in dilution with water for cleaning purposes.

3. Rinse thoroughly - Whatever cleaning product you are using to clean the marble surfaces, remember to rinse them thoroughly. Make sure that there is no residue left and dry out the surface completely after rinsing.

4. Clean acidic stains immediately - Wine, orange juice, some soft drinks and tomatoes are not good for your marble flooring or countertop. To retain the shine, you need to blot the spills immediately and not wipe or rub. If there still is a stain, then use a commercial stain remover or a homemade remover. You can make your own stain remover by mixing baking soda with water and making it into a paste. Use alcohol to remove oil-based stains.

5. Protection is better- Use coasters to save your marble from staining or scratching. Avoid rust stains by not using metal containers. Use ceramic or stone containers on marble countertops. Place rugs in areas that witness high-traffic. Use pads for the furniture on marble flooring.

6. Shine your floor or countertops - Use a commercial polish to use on marble and bring back its shine. After polishing the surface with a commercial polish, use a chamois and use it on the surface. Chamois is made from mixing baking soda and water. This is rubbed on the surface and left to dry for a few hours. Rinse and wipe with a fresh cloth dipped in crushed chalk. Rinse and dry the surface thoroughly.

7. Sealant increases the life of marble tiles - A porous stone like marble definitely requires a good quality sealant. This protects the surface of the stone from losing its shine and staining. Re-apply sealers every few years and keep them shining for many years.

What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   Installing Cultured Stones   

Why Take the Trouble to Insure Your Motorbike?

Insuring your motor bike may seem quite unnecessary especially when, after five years of insuring it, nothing really "happens." Many people feel cheated by insurance companies when they pay their premiums faithfully over many years yet nothing that demands compensation comes. However, you should pause to think of the kind of medical bills you might need to meet single handedly when an accident occurs. Without insurance, you might also have to replace a write off or a stolen bike from your own pocket. Worse still, you might also have to pay for any damage caused to any other party except you and your bike.

The motorcycle may be involved in an accident or may have mechanical problems and as a result need to be towed away. The insurance cover, if included this cost, will relieve you of the burden of having to pay for such an expensive service. The insurance company goes as far as paying any monthly balances you may owe the dealer who sold you the bike, depending on your agreement with both parties. This saves the scenario where the bike is taken away and auctioned simply because you did not manage to pay a mere hundred dollar balance!

Also, in the event that an accident occurs, there follows some legal procedures to follow especially if a third party property is damaged or a third party person is injured. The affected third party files a law suit to claim compensation for damages caused. A law suit is the last thing you want to enter into, especially with the probability that this law suit will take all your time, money and leave you bankrupt especially when you are told to compensate the third party yourself.

However, the cost and hassle of getting a good company to insure you can be reduced by searching for one via the internet. It is cheaper to do so, because you look at what all the companies have to offer while you sit down as opposed to physically moving from one place to the other. It also goes without saying that this method saves a lot of your precious time and energy. The internet also allows you to post in detailed information about your bike and about what you generally are looking for. After this, a certain program runs and a list of companies and policies that suit your description.

You can have a comprehensive cover, which covers you, your bike and any other third party. Third parties may include another bike, another person or vehicle. Property damaged by collision of your bike, too, is under this cover. The insurance company also replaces the bike if it is stolen or damaged in a way that it is declared a write off. Some valuable parts, too can be covered under a special and custom made comprehensive policy. Other policies include the third party insurance, which is a compulsory requirement by the law if you are not insured under the comprehensive cover.

Analyse That Caravan Insurance Policy Before You Buy It!   Beginner Motorhome Buyers, What You Need to Know   Shopping Online For Classic Bike Insurance   Choosing The Best RV Insurance   

Every Landlords Guide to Finding Great Tenants by Janet Portman; Book Review

Multi-unit investors are the bread and butter clients of experienced and successful real estate agents. 1031 exchanges are one of the many options for landlords-to-be. After the closing or escrow though is when the real work begins and offering ways to smooth the operational transition for new or repeat owners of rental properties, can be a great source of future referrals for real estate agents. A new book released in 2006 should be a required closing gift from the selling agent to the buyer of any multi-unit building or complex, with two or a thousand units.

Every Landlords Guide to Finding Great Tenants by Attorney Janet Portman, Nolo, 2006, ISBN 1-4133-0413-3, Paperback, 455 Pages is designed in an reader friendly format, full of icons, shaded call-out boxes, sample forms, and checklists. Easy-to-read tables outline state-specific laws on returning security deposits and showing notices, to name a few. From apartment marketing programs, how to show a rental, fielding and screening calls, and checking references, no step in the process is left out and all procedures are drilled down to the bottom line.

Ms. Portman brings an experts perspective on the law, but don't think that this is a dry read. Engaging text sprinkled with bullet points, graphics, and clever caution points, make this the best desk reference for any landlord. Perfect for the experienced but exasperated landlord to the freshly minted, this is a must-have rental resource.

Every Landlords Guide to Finding Great Tenants comes with a handy CD-ROM, for on-the-go landlords. The CD has files of all forms featured and discussed in the book, as well as sample landlord-tenant conversations. Nothing has been left out of this complete guide and the format makes it simple to focus on a particular theme, and revisit others on a when-the-time-comes basis.

Chapter titles include; Choosing Good Tenants Makes Good Business Sense, Complying with Discrimination Laws, How to Deal with Current Tenants-Before You Look for New Ones, How to Advertise Effectively, How You Should Show Your Rental, Preparing Your Rental Application and Screening Materials, Fielding Initial Questions and Phone Screening, Prepare Your Rental for an Open House or Showing, Face to Face: Showing the Rental and Negotiating with Prospective Tenants, evaluating Rental Applications, Checking Applicant's Credit Reports, Checking Landlord, Employer, and Personal References, Checking Applicants' Criminal Backgrounds, How to Choose and Work With a Tenant Screening Agency, Choosing Your New Tenant, and How to Reject-What to Say, What to Write.

This book is a solid ten and highly recommended to building owners, 1031 Exchange Qualifying Intermediaries, real estate editors and educators, leasing and rental managers, real estate agents and brokers.

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

Review: Unbridled Injustice

Author: Ellie Boatman

ISBN: 1598000586

It was Charles Dickens who stated in his famous novel Oliver Twist, "the law is an ass," and perhaps in some instances we would have to agree with him. However, what is even more alarming is when judges are bigger asses when they exhibit judicial bias or they abuse their wide discretionary powers that is accorded to them within the family court system. They may even, in certain instances, look the other way when there is a question of attorney ethics. All of this leads to a violation of due process that every citizen is entitled to under our democratic legal system. Such denial of justice was experienced by Ellie Boatman Conger, principal protagonist in Ellie Boatman's debut novel, Unbridled Injustice.

Many authors have turned to fiction to provide a beacon of enlightenment in understanding bitter struggles during dark times, and Boatman is no exception, as she uses this genre very effectively in narrating how one woman from Kentucky had been wronged by the judicial system.

Set against Lexington Kentucky's equestrian community, the novel tells the story of Ellie, who after vacationing for a week in Florida with close friends, arrives home at the airport only to be greeted with a divorce petition from her husband Roy. This comes as quite a shock to a woman who believed that life could not be sweeter. After all, she had three great children, a successful husband, a gorgeous home and farm that included several prized ponies, and the respect of her hometown social community.

However, all is not as it appears and as Ellie asserts, "sometimes our lives are like sleepwalking. When we finally awaken we have no idea where we are and even less how we managed to get there."

Shortly after receiving the divorce petition, Ellie finds herself embroiled in very nasty and costly judicial proceedings that could mean the loss of custody of her children to her husband. To further aggravate this frightful situation, Ellie regrettably engages a young and inexperienced attorney, who was not too swift on his feet and consequently is outmaneuvered by the unethical tactics and devious behavior of his opponent, who uses every trick in the book to make life miserable for Ellie. Adding a little more drama into the narrative is the grotesque possibility of child molestation that is ignored by a judge, who has her own agenda, and a lazy social worker assigned to the case.

For a first time author, Boatman shows a great deal of confidence in her story- telling abilities, although at times the pony show scenes wear a bit thin, slowing down the pace of the novel. Nonetheless, this hard-hitting narrative is a page turner not only because of its plot, but also the strong message it conveys. Conger gets top marks for her clarity and richness of voice, all of which contribute to the reader's ease in empathizing with Ellie's anger and despair, as she fights the sometimes unfairness of the judicial system in order to gain the custody of her children. In the end, does justice prevail?

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

Review: Unbridled Injustice

Author: Ellie Boatman

ISBN: 1598000586

It was Charles Dickens who stated in his famous novel Oliver Twist, "the law is an ass," and perhaps in some instances we would have to agree with him. However, what is even more alarming is when judges are bigger asses when they exhibit judicial bias or they abuse their wide discretionary powers that is accorded to them within the family court system. They may even, in certain instances, look the other way when there is a question of attorney ethics. All of this leads to a violation of due process that every citizen is entitled to under our democratic legal system. Such denial of justice was experienced by Ellie Boatman Conger, principal protagonist in Ellie Boatman's debut novel, Unbridled Injustice.

Many authors have turned to fiction to provide a beacon of enlightenment in understanding bitter struggles during dark times, and Boatman is no exception, as she uses this genre very effectively in narrating how one woman from Kentucky had been wronged by the judicial system.

Set against Lexington Kentucky's equestrian community, the novel tells the story of Ellie, who after vacationing for a week in Florida with close friends, arrives home at the airport only to be greeted with a divorce petition from her husband Roy. This comes as quite a shock to a woman who believed that life could not be sweeter. After all, she had three great children, a successful husband, a gorgeous home and farm that included several prized ponies, and the respect of her hometown social community.

However, all is not as it appears and as Ellie asserts, "sometimes our lives are like sleepwalking. When we finally awaken we have no idea where we are and even less how we managed to get there."

Shortly after receiving the divorce petition, Ellie finds herself embroiled in very nasty and costly judicial proceedings that could mean the loss of custody of her children to her husband. To further aggravate this frightful situation, Ellie regrettably engages a young and inexperienced attorney, who was not too swift on his feet and consequently is outmaneuvered by the unethical tactics and devious behavior of his opponent, who uses every trick in the book to make life miserable for Ellie. Adding a little more drama into the narrative is the grotesque possibility of child molestation that is ignored by a judge, who has her own agenda, and a lazy social worker assigned to the case.

For a first time author, Boatman shows a great deal of confidence in her story- telling abilities, although at times the pony show scenes wear a bit thin, slowing down the pace of the novel. Nonetheless, this hard-hitting narrative is a page turner not only because of its plot, but also the strong message it conveys. Conger gets top marks for her clarity and richness of voice, all of which contribute to the reader's ease in empathizing with Ellie's anger and despair, as she fights the sometimes unfairness of the judicial system in order to gain the custody of her children. In the end, does justice prevail?

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically

Worried about getting sued? It's a legitimate fear, and you might think that your first line of defense is to own your assets in judgment-proof entities. That's a valid and recommended strategy, but even though ownership is an important element of an effective asset protection plan, the best way to avoid paying judgments, along with substantial legal fees, is to avoid disputes and the often-resulting lawsuits. Attorney Andrew A. Caffey offers step-by-step advice in Stay Out of Court! The Small Business Guide to Preventing Disputes and Avoiding Lawsuit Hell (Entrepreneur Press, 2005).

Caffey begins with a look at what he calls the civil lawsuit, sue-for-profit industry and its complex financial impact. He writes: "Business and professionals take the brunt of punishment in this out-of-control civil litigation game. The fear of being sued has invaded every aspect of our people's lives."

Of course, getting sued doesn't necessarily mean you'll end up in court--in fact, chances are you won't. According to Caffey: "Statistically, the vast majority of lawsuits never make it to trial. Estimates suggest that 90 to 95 percent of court filings are resolved, dismissed, abandoned, or settled without getting to a final judgment by the finder of fact (either the judge or a jury)." But you don't have to go to court to spend a bundle on legal fees and other costs.

Caffey blames the proliferation of lawsuits on what he calls victimhood and a culture that has shifted away from personal responsibility and accountability. It follows that if someone is a victim, then someone else should be punished and made to pay.

The solution, Caffey believes, begins with improving relationships through communication and conflict resolution. He says the first step in resolving a conflict is to take a "we" not "you vs. me" attitude. The next step is to put the conflict in perspective by reframing it in context with your overall relationship with the other person. Next, Caffey recommends gentle confrontation, which uses non-threatening questioning and active listening to enable the parties to share their views of the conflict. Identify the other side's needs and locate your overlapping shared needs. Then you are in a position to find mutually beneficial solutions, reach a settlement, and put that settlement in writing.

Caffey says you should never totally turn a dispute over to an attorney for handling: "The moment when one party to a dispute yields direct involvement and puts the dispute into the hands of the lawyers is the moment when the lawsuit happens." Stay personally involved in the dispute to make sure your best interests are being considered and protected.

The sound advice on negotiating Caffey offers can be used for more than avoiding litigation--the techniques can be applied to all relationships and situations. For example, he recommends saying "yes" whenever possible, but if necessary, qualify the "yes" with an "if." Caffey writes: "Using the big IF in negotiating is an important habit to develop. It allows you to say yes, but it is always qualified. It says, 'I am willing to give on this point, but I want you to give something back to me for it.'"

Caffey offers excellent advice on how to use contracts to stay out of court and explains various dispute resolution processes, along with suggestions on providing warnings, notices, and cautions. He also explains how to apologize without accepting liability.

Using layman's terms and sense of humor, Caffey has written a book that entertains while it delivers some of the most valuable asset protection and personal relationship advice you'll ever receive.

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically

Worried about getting sued? It's a legitimate fear, and you might think that your first line of defense is to own your assets in judgment-proof entities. That's a valid and recommended strategy, but even though ownership is an important element of an effective asset protection plan, the best way to avoid paying judgments, along with substantial legal fees, is to avoid disputes and the often-resulting lawsuits. Attorney Andrew A. Caffey offers step-by-step advice in Stay Out of Court! The Small Business Guide to Preventing Disputes and Avoiding Lawsuit Hell (Entrepreneur Press, 2005).

Caffey begins with a look at what he calls the civil lawsuit, sue-for-profit industry and its complex financial impact. He writes: "Business and professionals take the brunt of punishment in this out-of-control civil litigation game. The fear of being sued has invaded every aspect of our people's lives."

Of course, getting sued doesn't necessarily mean you'll end up in court--in fact, chances are you won't. According to Caffey: "Statistically, the vast majority of lawsuits never make it to trial. Estimates suggest that 90 to 95 percent of court filings are resolved, dismissed, abandoned, or settled without getting to a final judgment by the finder of fact (either the judge or a jury)." But you don't have to go to court to spend a bundle on legal fees and other costs.

Caffey blames the proliferation of lawsuits on what he calls victimhood and a culture that has shifted away from personal responsibility and accountability. It follows that if someone is a victim, then someone else should be punished and made to pay.

The solution, Caffey believes, begins with improving relationships through communication and conflict resolution. He says the first step in resolving a conflict is to take a "we" not "you vs. me" attitude. The next step is to put the conflict in perspective by reframing it in context with your overall relationship with the other person. Next, Caffey recommends gentle confrontation, which uses non-threatening questioning and active listening to enable the parties to share their views of the conflict. Identify the other side's needs and locate your overlapping shared needs. Then you are in a position to find mutually beneficial solutions, reach a settlement, and put that settlement in writing.

Caffey says you should never totally turn a dispute over to an attorney for handling: "The moment when one party to a dispute yields direct involvement and puts the dispute into the hands of the lawyers is the moment when the lawsuit happens." Stay personally involved in the dispute to make sure your best interests are being considered and protected.

The sound advice on negotiating Caffey offers can be used for more than avoiding litigation--the techniques can be applied to all relationships and situations. For example, he recommends saying "yes" whenever possible, but if necessary, qualify the "yes" with an "if." Caffey writes: "Using the big IF in negotiating is an important habit to develop. It allows you to say yes, but it is always qualified. It says, 'I am willing to give on this point, but I want you to give something back to me for it.'"

Caffey offers excellent advice on how to use contracts to stay out of court and explains various dispute resolution processes, along with suggestions on providing warnings, notices, and cautions. He also explains how to apologize without accepting liability.

Using layman's terms and sense of humor, Caffey has written a book that entertains while it delivers some of the most valuable asset protection and personal relationship advice you'll ever receive.

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

Review: Unbridled Injustice

Author: Ellie Boatman

ISBN: 1598000586

It was Charles Dickens who stated in his famous novel Oliver Twist, "the law is an ass," and perhaps in some instances we would have to agree with him. However, what is even more alarming is when judges are bigger asses when they exhibit judicial bias or they abuse their wide discretionary powers that is accorded to them within the family court system. They may even, in certain instances, look the other way when there is a question of attorney ethics. All of this leads to a violation of due process that every citizen is entitled to under our democratic legal system. Such denial of justice was experienced by Ellie Boatman Conger, principal protagonist in Ellie Boatman's debut novel, Unbridled Injustice.

Many authors have turned to fiction to provide a beacon of enlightenment in understanding bitter struggles during dark times, and Boatman is no exception, as she uses this genre very effectively in narrating how one woman from Kentucky had been wronged by the judicial system.

Set against Lexington Kentucky's equestrian community, the novel tells the story of Ellie, who after vacationing for a week in Florida with close friends, arrives home at the airport only to be greeted with a divorce petition from her husband Roy. This comes as quite a shock to a woman who believed that life could not be sweeter. After all, she had three great children, a successful husband, a gorgeous home and farm that included several prized ponies, and the respect of her hometown social community.

However, all is not as it appears and as Ellie asserts, "sometimes our lives are like sleepwalking. When we finally awaken we have no idea where we are and even less how we managed to get there."

Shortly after receiving the divorce petition, Ellie finds herself embroiled in very nasty and costly judicial proceedings that could mean the loss of custody of her children to her husband. To further aggravate this frightful situation, Ellie regrettably engages a young and inexperienced attorney, who was not too swift on his feet and consequently is outmaneuvered by the unethical tactics and devious behavior of his opponent, who uses every trick in the book to make life miserable for Ellie. Adding a little more drama into the narrative is the grotesque possibility of child molestation that is ignored by a judge, who has her own agenda, and a lazy social worker assigned to the case.

For a first time author, Boatman shows a great deal of confidence in her story- telling abilities, although at times the pony show scenes wear a bit thin, slowing down the pace of the novel. Nonetheless, this hard-hitting narrative is a page turner not only because of its plot, but also the strong message it conveys. Conger gets top marks for her clarity and richness of voice, all of which contribute to the reader's ease in empathizing with Ellie's anger and despair, as she fights the sometimes unfairness of the judicial system in order to gain the custody of her children. In the end, does justice prevail?

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically   

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